Louisville Wheelmen Louisville Bicycle Club Mileage Report

September 2023 Leaders

Report Date: Saturday, January 6, 2024

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Rank  Name                         Miles         # Rides
   1  Preble, Larry                  860            26
   2  Alford, Mark                   804            30
   3  Dauer, Amelia                  792            16
   4  Battle, Paul                   785            20
   5  Sarson, Steve                  759            18
   6  Finley, Perry                  696            28
   7  Knaster, Bob                   645            25
   8  Tretter, Jim                   591            23
   9  Trachtenberg, Laura            585            20
  10  Puckett, Steven                545            12
  11  Askew, Edwin T                 504             9
  12  Pellegrino, John               497            11
  13  McGill, Bernice                491            18
  14  Wittry, David                  483            19
  15  Shrode, Jeff                   456            11
  16  Medley, Joe                    454            18
  17  Fluhr, Lisa                    439            16
  18  Kopatz, Fritz                  427             8
  19  Wasserzug, Dominic             407            13
  20  Black, Percy                   404            13
  21  King, David R                  401             7
  22  Staudter, Lee                  398            15
  23  Dooley, Craig                  396            12
  24  Baldwin, Keith                 393            12
  25  Paulin, Stanley                392             7
  26  Evancho, Bob                   390             8
  27  Carpenter, Jeff                385            10
  28  Smith, Glenn                   374             6
  29  Samuel, Phil                   373            14
  30  Mattingly, Phil                359            13
  31  Martin, Barbara                345            15
  32  Barriere, Dan                  342             8
  33  Schreur, Dee                   342             5
  34  Murphy, Kevin                  341            13
  35  Bland, Samuel                  334             5
  36  Croslin, Rick                  334            12
  37  Embry, Chris                   321             4
  38  Crawford, H. Michael           319             9
  39  Rice, Steven                   313             4
  40  Berthiaume, Denise             302            10
  41  Pyron, Susan                   296            11
  42  Nance, Thomas                  292             3
  43  McGill, Kelly                  280            10
  44  Livingston, Bekki              279            10
  45  Pyron, John                    274            10
  46  Sutton, Tommy                  272            10
  47  Preble, Margaret               270            10
  48  Harrington, Scott              267            11
  49  Zobel, Terri                   267            10
  50  Kraus, Cara Sue                263            12
  51  Heuglin, Ron                   256             8
  52  McWhorter, Mike                256             7
  53  Roberts, Lynn                  256             9
  54  Ragland, Kathy                 249            10
  55  Nall, Tony                     248             5
  56  Hall, Melissa                  240             3
  57  Nieman, Erik                   237             8
  58  Smith, Stephen                 234             8
  59  Hughlett, Chad                 231             9
  60  Schindler, Bob                 231             8
  61  Smith, Patrick                 227             7
  62  Cooper, George                 214             8
  63  Bicknell, William              212             7
  64  Todd, Glenn                    211             7
  65  Bernat, Renita                 207             8
  66  Kamenish, Mike                 200             2
  67  Meredith, Steve                200             2
  68  Sarson, Rita                   192             2
  69  Fong, John                     191             3
  70  Hitselberger, Joseph           189             7
  71  Nelson, Ed                     187             6
  72  Norcross II, Robert            187             4
  73  White, Jeff                    182             7
  74  Dippold, John                  180             4
  75  Stader, Bill                   179             6
  76  Leist, Dave                    174             6
  77  Grable, Bob                    166             2
  78  Gundlach, Nathan               166             2
  79  Phillips, Clinton              165             3
  80  Rougeux, Mark                  163             2
  81  Larson, John                   161             5
  82  Zhao, Weihua                   161             5
  83  Sellers, Eric                  157             5
  84  Barton, Susan                  156             7
  85  Helton, Erik                   151             5
  86  Minucci, Jonathan              150             3
  87  Scharfenberger, Ed             148             6
  88  Hall, Thomas W.                144             3
  89  Fosl, Peter                    135             4
  90  Chynoweth, Thomas              134             5
  91  Kestler, Arthur                134             6
  92  Hart, Glen                     130             4
  93  Pierson, David                 129             2
  94  Wentzel, Susan                 127             5
  95  Robinson, Kenny                122             6
  96  Poirier, Sonia                 121             3
  97  Stanfield, Jen                 121             3
  98  Hillenbrand, Brooks            120             4
  99  Ray, Karen                     120             7
 100  Heckler, Richard               118             6
 101  MItchell, Kim                  112             4
 102  Ghammachi, Nick                111             3
 103  Torpey, Carson                 111             6
 104  Snow, Donald                   110             4
 105  Kraus, Stephen                 107             4
 106  Lay, Walter                    105             3
 107  Wardell, Linda                 105             3
 108  Lauter, Ron                    104             3
 109  Eriks, Mark                    103             3
 110  Putnam, Ned                    103             3
 111  Alford, Kenneth                101             5
 112  Dean, Christopher              101             2
 113  Wineland, Jon                  100             1
 114  Blair, Michael                  99             3
 115  Jent, Steven                    99             5
 116  Medley, Carol                   97             3
 117  Braden, James                   96             4
 118  Hulsman, Frank                  95             5
 119  Pfeiffer, Valerie               93             3
 120  Ragland, Richard                89             4
 121  Armstrong, Lou                  86             5
 122  Dimon, Rebecca                  86             4
 123  Hermann, Michael                86             3
 124  Killebrew, John                 86             2
 125  Borgmann, Brian                 82             1
 126  Rothlisberger, Wayne            82             7
 127  Spurrier, Kelly                 81             2
 128  Sutton, Margaret                81             3
 129  Clark, Kevin                    80             3
 130  Hargrave, Al                    80             3
 131  Cappiello, Paul                 77             3
 132  McCurry, Tami                   75             3
 133  Meggoe, Paulette                70             2
 134  Meredith, David                 70             2
 135  Netherton, Kelly                70             3
 136  Sprau, Ryan                     70             2
 137  Vaananen, Mary                  70             2
 138  Kinkhabwala, Nira               69             1
 139  Mattingly, Joe                  68             2
 140  Smith, Taylor                   66             1
 141  Wolz, Luke                      62             2
 142  Shrode, Jonathan                61             2
 143  Block, Ann                      60             2
 144  Branson, Dennis                 57             3
 145  Shuck, Fred                     57             2
 146  Meunier, Kevin                  56             3
 147  Barr, Ford                      54             3
 148  Bridges, Vicky                  54             3
 149  Hurst, Thomas                   54             1
 150  Rodriguez, Jose                 54             1
 151  Whaley, Jim                     52             2
 152  Kostecki, Karen                 51             2
 153  Carroll, John                   50             2
 154  Harding, John                   50             2
 155  White, Carl                     50             2
 156  Carver, Jimmie                  44             2
 157  Whitehouse, Ruth Ann            44             2
 158  Buchanan, Scott                 42             2
 159  Atwell, Mark                    41             2
 160  Pierce, Paula                   40             1
 161  Simmons, Melvin                 37             2
 162  Armstrong, Cindy                36             3
 163  Biagi-Rickert, Kate             36             3
 164  Drake, Jonathan                 36             3
 165  Ennis, Caroline                 36             3
 166  Hulsman, Elaine                 36             2
 167  Johnson, Jeffrey                36             3
 168  Rickert, Anthony                36             3
 169  Austin, Yvonne                  35             1
 170  Cohen, William                  35             1
 171  James, Ashton                   35             1
 172  Lustig, Craig                   35             1
 173  Mudd, Gary                      35             1
 174  Slemmons, Terrance              35             1
 175  Smith, John                     35             1
 176  Wise, Harley                    35             1
 177  Cox, Melanie                    32             1
 178  Gamm, Becky                     32             1
 179  Whitehead, Rajina               32             1
 180  Dippold, Diana                  30             1
 181  Geiger, Stuart                  27             2
 182  Murphy, Cathryne                25             1
 183  Powell, Keith                   25             1
 184  Heckler, Mary Ann               24             2
 185  Leach, Glenn                    24             2
 186  Williams-Harvey, Vanessa        24             2
 187  Wiser, Ed                       24             2
 188  Harrington, Christina           22             2
 189  Clark, Gabe                     18             1
 190  Garcia, Vincent                 18             1
 191  Sutton, Mark                    17             1
 192  Carter, Karen                   12             1
 193  Connell, Donna                  12             1
 194  Davis, Mary D.                  12             1
 195  Davis, Mike                     12             1
 196  Dean, Carolyn                   12             1
 197  Dobbs, Vicky                    12             1
 198  Fitzsimmons, Tom                12             1
 199  Gillenwater, Jody               12             1
 200  Hamilton, Robert                12             1
 201  Mattingly, Andrea               12             1
 202  Mattingly, Paula                12             1
 203  McCauley, Joel                  12             1
 204  Preston, Jim                    12             1
 205  Preston, Will                   12             1
 206  Theriot, Janice                 12             1
 207  Torpey, Alison                  12             1
 208  Tretter, Tommy                  12             1
 209  Jones, Kevin                    10             1
 210  Moreno, Fermin                  10             1
 211  Mulhall, Dan                    10             1
 212  Mulhall, Kathleen               10             1
 213  Phillips, Mark                  10             1

© 1996 - 2023 The Louisville Bicycle Club
this page maintained by Erik Nieman
last updated: 1/6/2024

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