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  • Home
  • Tour de Mad Dog Stage 19: Bethlehem Century

Tour de Mad Dog Stage 19: Bethlehem Century

  • Saturday, October 05, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 8:30 PM
  • Clark State Forest, 2 Service Rd, Henryville, IN 47126, USA

Registration is closed

Bethlehem Century. Ride start at Clark State Forest. Take I65 North to the Henryville, Indiana exit. (19) Go right (east) off the exit. At the stop sign, go left (North) on State Road 31. Take the FIRST road into the forestry and the first road to the right and park. Primitive bathrooms available. First store stop New Washington (port a pot). Lunch at Subway or McDonald's in Hanover (Bathrooms). Last store stop Casey's in Scottsburg Bathrooms).

Difficulty: 4B

Yesterday I rode the Bethlehem Centuryto check the route. There was a road closure about twelve miles outfrom the end. I spoke to the workmen and they expect it will be fineby the day we ride, but I will go and make sure about Thursday orFriday. If I would need to reroute, I will do so no later thanThursday.

Bethlehem has been a tour stage manytimes, but I think it was last a stage before the Pandemic. As Irode yesterday, I realized that some of you probably have never donethis century before. While it has been on the calendar, it has notbeen a stage. I rather like it when the stages are given a rest andare different each year and I see newer roads. Hopefully you will aswell though parts of this ride have been used in other centuries. Itis nice that it has a rest.


  • You will do a long, rather technical descent INTO Bethlehem. Please use caution. A club rider went down on this descent in the past. This is at about mile 29, after the first store stop.
  • The route is mostly rolling with a few flat spots in places where you can really fly. Please remember that if there is a west wind, this ride becomes much more difficult and save some energy for after lunch. I have seen strong riders begging that old west wind for mercy.
  • Remember that there are stop signs on this ride in different places that ARE NOT 4 way stops. Don't just run a stop sign.
  • DOGS. I had a few dogs come out at me yesterday but none seemed vicious and I have never encountered a mean dog on this route. But that does not mean there will not be a new dog or a dog that didn't hear me that is mean. Realize there are loose dogs. The only one that startled me was a Pit Bull in Deputy, shortly after crossing into Deputy at about mile 64. I have not seen him there in the past, so I assume he is new. I stopped, yelled at him, pointed to his yard, and he went back to his yard looking like I had taken all the joy out of what was otherwise a pleasant day.
  • Unlike many of my routes, there are a few busier roads in places, but better than some of the roads we have used this year in the past. Use your rearview.



I'm sorry lunch is so early in the ride. We used to eat at Gaffney's sometimes, about mile 63, but they went out of business. So this is it. Please note that the last store stop is not until about 82 miles, so be sure you fuel up.

Lastly, be aware that it is harvest season, and you may encounter farm machinery on the roads. Please yield and be respectful. We are playing, and they are working.


Start time: 8:00 AMRC: Melissa "Puddle" Hall, (8one2) seven52-three9seven3. Cancellation is announced on the club's FB page and club website no later than two hours before the ride.

Louisville Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

Louisville Bicycle Cub
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

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