The 2025 brevet series consists of 4 routes which all start and end in Shelbyville, KY. The longer routes build upon the shorter routes.
Registered riders will receive links to the cue sheets and RidewithGPS links through the e-mail in which they register. Please print the cue sheet. The RidewithGPS files are provided for reference only. These may or may not route correctly on your GPS depending on your model and routing preferences. Please take the time to create your own GPS routes if you are going to rely solely on your GPS for routing. Any usage of these files are at the risk of the user. No allowances will be made for off route excursions.
Also, the RidewithGPS file and cuesheet MAY be include below, Dates of the last update will be stated if included with each link. Please check back as the date of each brevet approaches in order to determine if changes have been made. Changes will also be e-mailed.
RidewithGPS files (You can Print Cure Sheets from the RWGPS website) to be e-mailed to registered riders.
WARNING: Use the RidewithGPS files at your own risk. If the included file takes you off course you will not be allowed any extra time to make up the extra miles. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the course and please use the GPS files as another tool for navigation. Cue sheets will be provided.
The 200K will have controls at Lawrenceburg (out and back) as well as Harrodsburg (turn around). There is a steel bridge to navigate.
RidewithGPS file - sent to registrantsCue Sheet - 10 available at start
The 300K will have controls at Lawrenceburg (out and back), Harrodsburg (out and back) as well as Stanford (turn around). As always in Kentucky be vigilant of Dogs, crazy animals and little or no shoulders on roads.(we are kind of known for that)
RidewithGPS file - sent to registrantsCue Sheet - 10 available at start
The 400K will have controls at Harrodsburg (out and back), Stanford (out and back) and New Liberty (turnaround).RidewithGPS file- sent to registraints
Cue Sheet - 10 available at start
The 600K will use the same route as the 400K for the first section and then return to Shelbyville for an additional 200K. That 200k will be a route to Perryville and back.
Day 1 RidewithGPS fileDay 2 RidewithGPS fileCue Sheet- 10 available at start whole ride TotalRidewithGPS file