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All riders are welcome to join us!

Please read Rider Responsibility. CPSC- or Snell-approved helmets are required. If you are new to the Louisville Bicycle Club or new to riding a specific route, please keep the following in mind. Rides are swept between the average pace based on the posted ride pace rating, be sure to introduce yourself to the ride captain so that they know you and can give you information on the route. 

Louisville Bicycle Club Ride Schedule

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Course Terrain

Course Terrain is set by the LBC Ride Captain as a best guess estimate based on their understanding of the route.  Keep in mind these are guesstimates. 

#1 Mostly Flat—Mostly flat roads with possible very gentle hills. Recommended for beginners.

#2 Flat/Easy Climbs—Mostly flat, with some short, gradual hills. Recommended for beginners but could be challenging for some.

#3 Moderate Rollers—Numerous rolling hills with possible challenging, steeper, longer climbs. Not recommended for beginners.

#4 Challenging Hills—Numerous long and difficult, steep grade ascents and descents. Recommended for stronger, more experienced riders with good bike handling skills, accustomed to navigating hills.

#5 Extremely Demanding—Many difficult, steep ascents and descents. Recommended for very experienced, strong riders with excellent bike handling skills, accustomed to navigating hills.

Ride Pace

Ride pace is set by the LBC Ride Captain and will be swept at that average speed. Riders are able to ride at their own pace, however the ride is only swept at the posted average. Keep in mind the average pace is over the entire route. 

E- Slow, Casual/Under 10 mph average/No Drop Ride—This ride will be casual and the pace will be based on the slowest rider. This ride is suitable for beginners. No rider will be left behind.

D - Slow/Moderate/10-12 mph average pace/will be swept at 10 mph average—This ride will be casual with riders expected to maintain this average. Could be challenging for some beginners.

C - Moderate/12-14 mph average pace/will be swept at 12 mph average—Riders are expected to maintain this average, averaging faster on flats.

B - Intermediate/14-16 mph average pace/will be swept at 14 mph average—Riders are expected to maintain this average, averaging faster on flats. The pace will be mostly moderate to brisk. Riders need good bike handling skills.

B+ - Intermediate to Fast/16-18 mph average pace/will be swept at 16 mph average—Riders are expected to maintain this average, averaging faster on the flats. This will be a brisk to rigorous pace ride, requiring above average bike handling/experience/skills and the ability to ride in pace lines.

A - Fast/18-20 mph average pace/will be swept at 18 mph—Riders are expected to maintain this average, averaging faster on the flats. This is a rigorous pace ride requiring above average bike handling/experience/skills and the ability to ride in pace lines.

A+ - Very Fast/20+ mph/20 mph average will be swept—Riders are expected to maintain this average, averaging faster on the flats. The pace will be strenuous, requiring excellent bike handling/experience/skills and the ability to ride in pace lines.

Louisville Metro Road and Street Closures

When parking in private parking lots, please be mindful and respectful of the business's and owner's needs with regard to their parking facilities and park in the outer boundaries of their lots. Since parking is a limited commodity within the city, commuting to popular rides originating within the city is also encouraged.

Louisville Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

Louisville Bicycle Cub
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

© 2025 Louisville Bicycle Club

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