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Tour de Mad Dog Series

What is TMD? 

TMD stands for Tour de Mad Dog, a challenging series that has become an integral part of the Louisville Bicycle Club. The Tour de Mad Dog was created by Tim Chilton twenty years ago. While it has changed considerably since its start, one thing that has not changed is the emphasis on group riding. 82 percent of you wanted to see the emphasis on group riding continue.

To be an official finisher, one must successfully complete 10 stages. This year there will be 21 stages plus a bonus stage. There will be a time trial that will be organized by David “Bam Bam” King that will count as a stage.

Anyone who is an LBC (Louisville Bicycle Club) member who finishes 10 stages will be a finisher and will earn one of the coveted finisher jerseys. When enough sponsorship is obtained, the jersey is provided free. At other times it is provided at a minimal cost. Please let one of the Tour Directors know if you are aware of a business that would be willing to sponsor the tour.


Mad Dog Rules and Point System

There will be a male and female “winner” each year, but winning is limited to every third year.  The winner will be determined by points at the end of the season.

The points awarded are as follows:

2 points:  captaining a TMD stage

1 point:  successfully completing the ride

1 point:  finishing with a group of 5

1 point:  for each member of a group over 5 (ie.  Group of 6, 2 points, group of 7,  3 points)

1 point:  bringing a new rider

1 point:  being a new rider

2 points:  if the new rider you bring finishes the series

1 point:  stopping to help another another rider who has a mechanical or a physical issue on a ride

To receive credit, you MUST sign in legibly.  No attempt will be made to determine who you are if your signature is unreadable.  If you forget to sign in following the ride, please notify us within a week to receive credit.  Also, to earn credit for bringing/being a new rider, you must email the TMD directors at within one week.  Same thing for stopping to help a rider with a mechanical issue or who is having problems with heat, etc.

Stages may be anywhere from 95 to 110 miles in length unless approved by the Touring Director with the exception of the overnight.   This exception is for if the overnight is the traditional Mammoth Cave which has higher mileage but is a longstanding Mad Dog tradition.  (68 percent wanted an overnight this year).

Cancellations will be announced a minimum of TWO hours  prior to the  advertised start time.  The cancellation announcements are the responsibility of the ride captain and will be at their discretion.  The cancellation should be announced on the LBC Facebook page,, and the LBC calendar.  In the event there is a conflict of information between the Event Calendar and the ride calendar, the ride calendar will be considered correct.

All canceled stages will be made up.  This make up should be the next day or the following free Saturday.  If this won't work for some reason, the Ride Captain should let the TMD Directors know immediately. 

All stages of the tour will have a Ride With GPS file, a cue sheet, two rest stops, and a lunch stop.  Rides should be swept by the ride captain.   If you feel you cannot reasonably keep the pace advertised by the ride captain, you MAY leave early after obtaining permission from the ride captain.  If the ride captain says no, you will receive no credit for the ride if you leave early. 

Tour de Mad Dog Series 

Rider Preferences for Ride Captains

77 percent of those surveyed were okay with no bathroom at the ride start so long as that was announced ahead of time in the ride description

54 percent of riders preferred a fast food lunch stop with the others split between a quick stop at a gas station for lunch and a sit down lunch

94 percent of riders preferred lunch to be offered between 50 to 60 miles

68 percent were fine with up to three miles of gravel on the route

54 percent of riders felt rides should be swept down to 13 mph

65 percent of riders felt rides should be canceled for extreme heat (over 100)

85 percent of riders felt rides should be canceled for rain and lightening

48 percent felt rides should be canceled for winds over 20 mph

54 percent felt rides should be canceled for temperatures under 32 degrees

71 percent preferred a 7:00 a.m. Start time for hot rides (85 degrees or above)

Questions? Interested? Need More Information? 

Ride Director: Melissa Hall or Fritz Kopatz


Louisville Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

Louisville Bicycle Cub
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

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