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  • Spring Has Sprung The Grass is ris’ I Wonder Where the Bike RIdes Is?

Spring Has Sprung The Grass is ris’ I Wonder Where the Bike RIdes Is?

Monday, March 24, 2025 5:43 PM | Erik Helton (Administrator)

By: Steven Sarson

The Louisville Bicycle Club has the rides!!

I would like to take a moment at this time to Honor John Fong. John returned to his Heavenly Father on February 22, 2025. John was an avid cyclist and friend to many in the cycling community. He had a positive impact on everyone he met and always had an encouraging word for you as you worked to become better. John could ride with the best of them - but he also had the patience and subtle encouragement to sweep a Tour De Mad Dog century and ride with the back of the pack. And all of this with a smile on his face!!

We will miss you John!

Rest Forever In Peace

Thanks to a number of dedicated Ride Captains, and in spite of the miserable weather, who seemed to be able to sneak in a ride anytime there seemed to be a window of opportunity. Thanks to those Ride Captains who challenged Mother Nature and snuck in some rides on those good days. Our LBCz (Zwift) group has kept a number of members riding as well. The Tour De Mad Dog has already completed stage 1. Stage 2 is scheduled for March 29th. Overall mileage totals may be down for the winter months, but there is a lot of enthusiasm and a ride schedule that continues to fill. A full ride schedule of local, out of town and fundraiser style rides are already on the schedule. There is a partial list at the end of this article. Let me know of any additional rides that should be on our schedule

As we enter our busy riding “season”, I would like to see more of the riders who come to rides do the actual ride that is on the schedule. The Ride Captains work hard to provide great routes and sweep them during their rides. It is extremely difficult to sweep a route when riders are not on it. Let's ride together in 2025 and encourage everyone to be their best.

Time to get the bike and rider ready to do some miles. Here are some simple pre-ride tips and some suggestions for a great riding season

- Always check your bike before you head out to a ride - The ABC-Quick check gets you ready to ride

- Encourage the new riders and those around you

- Be aware of the traffic around you and ride with it

- Be courteous and obey traffic signals

- Be aware of your surroundings

- Signal your intentions

- Communicate with your group

- Help the rider on the side of the road with a problem. You could be their hero and save someone from a long wait or even longer walk

- Support someone who is doing a Charity FundRaising ride with a donation - any amount helps and adds to the total

- Volunteer to help with club activities, local rides and events and fundraisers for the LBC


Here is a partial list of the upcoming 2025 Rides and Events that are on our schedule. Join us for one or all of them. Have a safe ride in 2025!

Tour De Mad Dog - 20 stages scheduled, Time Trial TBA

Tour de Lou Training Rides - Sundays at Noon until April 6

Tour de Lou - April 19

Five Boro Bike Tour aka Bike NY May 4

Three Steeples Ride - School fundraiser

Bike MS - Bluegrass Bourbon Ride June 14-15 Join The LBC Team or Please Make a Donation

Tour de Pork - Turtle Run Winery August 2

OKHT - August 9

Bike To Beat Cancer - Sept 13 - Join the LBC Team or Please Make a Donation

Harvest Homecoming - Sept 27 - Support the Southern Indiana Wheelmen

Bourbon Burn - September 26, 27, 28 KY Horse Park

Crawdaddy’s LBC Christmas Giving Ride - December 6

Louisville Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

Louisville Bicycle Cub
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

© 2025 Louisville Bicycle Club

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