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2024 Brevet Series

In 2022, the Louisville Bicycle Club (LBC) will be hosting Four ACP Brevets.  The Brevets will start in Shelbyville, KY. These are ACP Brevets. If you are planning on a 1000km or greater Brevet please check your Rules to see if these Qualify. For further information on PBP, Randonneurs Mondiaux, Randonneurs USA, etc. please see the RUSA web site.  

The brevets are scheduled for:

200K  7:00 am April 6, 2024

300K  6:00 am April 27, 2024

400K  4:00 am May 25, 2024

600K  4:00 am June 22, 2024

Start and Finish Locations

The Shelbyville, KY brevets will begin and finish at the Red Roof Inn (formerly Days Inn),

101 Howard Dr
Shelbyville, KY 40065 .

From I-64, take Shelbyville exit 32 to Hwy 55 North. 

Howard Drive is approximately ½ mile north of I-64.  Turn East on Howard Drive at Waffle House.


This year we are pleased to offer online registration!  We are offering a discount for those who sign up for all 4 brevets at once.   Online registration for each brevet closes Wednesday evening before the event in order to give the RBA time to prepare the necessary paper work.  Day of registration is available at a price increase.  If you decide to ride after the online registration closes, please email the rba and let him know you will be riding. Please include your name, address, and RUSA membership number in your email.

Online registration is available and strongly encouraged. This link will take you to the registration page: Register for Brevets.

Registration fees are non-refundable. 


Please pre-register. This will save time and paperwork.

Registration fees do not include food or accommodations.  Please include your name, address, and RUSA membership number in your note.

No registration / bike inspection will be available on Friday nights

Registration / bike inspection will also begin one hour prior to the start of each event and end 10 minutes before the start.

Reflective Gear Requirements

New reflective gear requirements will be enforced this year.  The requirements are:

a.  a reflective vest that is EN1150 certified


b. at least 30 square inches of rear facing reflectivity coverage and 27 square inches of reflective frontal and shoulder coverage.

Please see:  RUSA Reflectivity for more details.

Reflective ankle bands are also required and any additional reflectivity added to you or your bike is strongly encouraged.


There are three motels near the Shelbyville start

Red Roof Inn  101 Howard Drive

Country Hearth Inn  100 Howard Drive

Best Western  115 Isaac Shelby Drive

Overnight accommodations are at the rider's expense. Registration, the start and the finish check points for each event, and the overnight check point for the 600 km event will all be staged at the Ramada Inn. After the brevet, you'll be able to shower in the room used for the start / finish check point. Please be sure to bring your own towel and wash cloth for showering. The hotel will not provide these.


Riders are considered to be on a self-guided, unsupported tour and are to be completely self-sufficient.

 Support may occur only at check points. Typically, these are country stores, gas stations, or restaurants. Only official vehicles are allowed on the course. Only official vehicles may provide support on the brevet course. For this event, however, there is no official support even in case of emergencies.

Private support vehicles are discouraged. If used, private support vehicles must be registered when the rider registers. They must stay off the course and may meet their riders only at check points. Private support vehicles must use an alternate route i.e., not the brevet course to get to check points.


All routes are out and back routes beginning and ending in Shelbyville, KY.

The 200 km brevet has a turnaround point in Harrodsburg,KY

The 300 km brevet extends the 200 km brevet with a turnaround in Stanford,KY.

The 400 km brevet extends the 300 km brevet with a turnaround in New Liberty,KY.

The 600 km brevet adds a 200 km Shelbyville – Perryville - Shelbyville excursion.

Doing the 200 km and 300 km brevets allows you to see during daylight the route that is likely to be ridden in the dark on the 400 km and 600 km brevets.

The rides have the following start times.  These are the times the ride will start.  You must arrive early to sign in.  LBC “Wheelman time” will not be observed.

200 km  7:00 am

300 km  6:00 am

400 km  4:00 am

600 km  4:00 am

It is strongly encouraged, but not required, to take a sleep break in Shelbyville after the first 400K of the 600K.  If you do intend to ride straight through, please be aware that the availability of food and water will be very limited during the night on the last 200K of the 600K route.  Please make the RBA aware if it is your intention to ride straight through.


Please see the full set of rules governing brevets on the RUSA web site for detailed requirements.

In addition to the above general rules, the following rules are specific to the LBC Brevet Series:

  • IF YOU MUST DNF, CALL THE RBA AND LET HIM KNOW.  If riders are unaccounted for, we will call your emergency contact.  We have had volunteers spend hours looking for riders who decided to go home and not tell anybody.
  • KY law requires that all bicycles used after dark be equipped with a front, white light visible from 500 ft. and a rear red reflector.
  • Additionally, all riders must wear a reflective safety device after dark. - see above for new requirements
  • A front and rear light with spare bulbs (or back up lights) are required on all brevets.
  • All riders must wear an ANSI or Snell approved helmet.
  • All riders must carry at least one (1) spare tube, a minimal tool set, a pump, and a water bottle or a hydration system.
  • Bikes and riders will be inspected for compliance before the start of each brevet.
  • Riders must stay on the brevet route. If riders get off route, they must return to the route at the point of departure from the route!
  • Riders must arrive and sign in at all check points, while they are open; have their brevet cards stamped and initialed; and sign and leave their brevet cards with the organizer at the last check point, i.e., at the end of the brevet.
  • All riders must sign a standard LBC liability waiver.
  • All riders must sign a standard RUSA liability waiver.
  • Riders must be present at least 60 minutes prior to the start to allow for bike inspections, filling out paperwork, etc.
  • No support vehicles are allowed on the route. Support vehicles may meet riders only at check points.
  • Don't go home with your card, paperwork, etc.! Do not be late!

Louisville Bicycle Club
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

Louisville Bicycle Cub
P.O. Box 35541
Louisville, KY 40232-5541

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